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Professional Education Development Committee

About the PEDC:
The purpose of the PEDC is to support professional development activities for regional members and provide a broad range of educational services to ensure that all regional members have access to professional development programming.

Questions, Comments, Ideas for the R7 PEDC Chair

Use the below contact us box to message PEDC Chair about any questions, topic ideas for sessions, interest in presenting, volunteering or more!

Lori Shuler, University of Wyoming
Contact Region 7 PEDC

Thanks for submitting! Someone from PEDC will get back with you shortly!

Area of Submisson


Essential Strategies for Smooth Project Closeout

Zoom Presentation 4/16/2025, 11:00am-12:00pm MST

Zoom Meeting:

Led By:

Sandy Sward, PhD Associate VP Research Administration, Montana State University

Jennifer Jenkins, Manager Sponsored Programs Accounting, Utah State University

Peggy Kastella, Financial Officer, Montana State University


Unpack the critical steps, compliance requirements, and best practices for successfully closing out of sponsored research projects in this Region VII webinar. These universities are showing off their Close-out Checklists that "Auditors love"!


For example, prior to closing an award, how does your institutional process ensure that all sub-recipients have been notified and paid? How does your institution work with their Office of Property Management to ensure proper disposition of equipment purchased with grant funds? Have all personnel been reappointed elsewhere when a grant is closing and are all salary encumbrances removed?


These are just a few of the issues that will be discussed as the presenters cover potential hurdles along with streamlined processes they have used during grant close-out procedures. Topics covered include financial reporting, management of final documentation, and how other universities strive to ensure compliance while minimizing institutional risks.

Change is on the Horizon: How to Get Your Campus Ready for Major NIH Policy Changes Coming in 2025

Zoom Presentation 2/14/2025, 11:30am-12:30pm MT

Led By:

Garrett Steed, Pre-Award Manager, University of Colorado Denver Anschutz Medical Campus

Jackie Lucas, Director, Office of Sponsored Research, Beckman Institute


Get ready, get set, prepare! This session will offer recommendations for institutional readiness, communication, training, and implementation ahead of the major changes announced by NIH. These changes include the NIH adoption of the Common Forms (Biosketch and Current/Pending (Other Support)), SciENcv, and more – all of which go into effect in 2025. Make sure you, your faculty, and your staff know what’s coming so there are no surprises!

Grow in Your Profession: LeadMe Program Q&A

with Program Co-Chairs Jennifer Cory & Ashley Stahle

Zoom Presentation 11/19/2024, 11:00am-12:00pm MT/12:00-1:00pm PT

Region VI and Region VII announce the LeadMe Program’s 16th year of preparing Research Administrators for leadership positions in NCURA and within their home institutions.


Come join us for an informational session on what the NCURA LeadMe Program can do for your professional and personnel goals. LeadMe Program Co-Chairs Jen Cory & Ashley Stahle will discuss the goals, objectives and application process related to the program as well as lead the discussion and answer/facilitate questions about next year’s program.

Additional information about the program can be found at under “Resources and Forms''.

For specific LeadMe Program questions, please contact Jen Cory or Ashley Stahle.

Roundup Region VII
Zoom Presentation 11/7/2024, 11:30-12:30pm MT/10:30-11:30PT

Purpose: Networking, social, and hot topic open forums to collaborate with your regional colleagues.


The session is drop-in accessible and you can move between virtual Zoom rooms. We start with a 30-minute rotation, then have a break to switch it up or stay! Just add the Zoom link to your calendar for Thursday November 7th, no registration required. 

Holiday plans…what you love about RA…whatever you want to talk about! Get to know the people of your NCURA community! 

Room 1 - Supporting Dynamic and Neurodiverse Teams to Reach New Heights Together

Bringing back one of the hot topics from RM! Discuss how to implement approaches that support neurotypical and neurodivergent teams.

Room 2 - Community of Practice around AI in Research Admin

How do we implement AI into research and for admin support? 
What more would you like to see come from the PEDC on this topic?

Room 3 - Onboarding Toolkit

See and share your best onboarding tools. Demonstration of how CSU is using Trello.

Using AI in Research Administration

Zoom Presentation 10/31/2024, 10:00-11:00am MT/9:00-10:00am PT

Recording of session:

Led by:

Sarah Martonick, Director, Sponsored Programs, University of Idaho

Dr. Barrie Robison, Director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences, University of Idaho

We will host a discussion session to gather and share information on how the Research Administration community is using or is planning to use Artificial Intelligence tools to support their work. The co-hosts will begin with a simple framework for categorizing RA tasks and then demonstrate one to two practical applications that we have implemented at the UI.  These applications are intended to spark discussion regarding existing and potential use cases among the participants.  We will also emphasize known and potential strengths and weaknesses of AI as RA use cases are discussed.


Objectives: Share practical examples of “AI for RA” that we have implemented and promote the exchange of ideas regarding how Artificial Intelligence is currently, or might soon, change Research Administration workflows.  

Lessons learned, and new heights reached at RM2024

Zoom Presentation 10/4/2024, 12:00-1:00pm MT/11:00am-12:00pm PT


Lori, Shuler; R7 PEDC Chair; Manager, Post-Award Services/ ECC Administrator, University of Wyoming

Kathryn O’Hayre, CRA; Training and Information Coordinator; Outgoing Region VII PEDC Chair


Description: We will host a discussion session to gather and share information on how the Regional Meeting (RM2024) went for the participant who attended. Come share some of the lessons you learned from the meetings. What was your favorite topic? What was your favorite event. If you couldn’t attend, tell us why?



1. Sharing Lessons learned and Ideas you are implementing from Regional Meeting

2. What was the best part of RM2024

3. If you didn’t attend, why not? Did you know about the travel awards?

Managing Up
Zoom Presentation 07/9/2024, 1:00-2:00pm MT/12:00-1:00 PT


Led by:

Joelina Peck, Associate Director Research Advancement, Arizona State University

Jennifer Jenkins, Manager, Utah State University

Description: We will host a discussion session to discuss what it means to manage up, why it’s important in your career, and provide some best practices on how to manage up.



What does it mean to Manage up?

Why is it important to you in your career?

What does managing up look like in action?

Final tips & Takeaways

Come join our first Roundup of 2024 of April 9th! Here are the virtual roundtables you can jump into:


1. How to NCURA: Come with your questions on possible topics like prepping proposals for the Regional Meeting call, elected members roles, or learning how and where to volunteer

2. Organizational structures and support


3. New Members Room with your R7 Members-At-Large


4. CRA Exam: Tips, practice questions, recertification best practices



Purpose: Networking, social, and hot topic open forums to collaborate with your regional colleagues.


The session is drop-in accessible and you can move between virtual Zoom rooms. We start with a 30-minute rotation, then have a break to switch it up or stay! Just add the Zoom link to your calendar for Tuesday April 9th, no registration required.

Roundup Region VII
Zoom Presentation 04/9/2024, 11:30-12:30pm MDT/10:30-11:30 MST

Led by:

Lisa Allen, Associate Director, College of Health Solutions, Arizona State University,

Tracy Gatlin, Assistant Director, Office of Research Development, Montana State University,

Join us in a comedic introduction to the not so funny topic of audits.


During the session:

1.) Participants will differentiate between audit scenarios that are sound practices versus those that may cause audit findings.

2,) Participants will engage one another during a positive, energizing exercise which may also reduce stress of the day.

3.) Participants will learn the relevant uniform guidance rule that applies to audit issues. 

Feel Like Saying "Not It" When the Topic Turns to Audit?
Zoom Presentation 03/27/2024, 12:30-1:30pm MDT/11:30-12:30 MST
Watch a recording of the session!

Regional Roundup
Zoom Presentation 11/16/2023 

1. Problem-Solvers Unite: Problems that we faced and solved


2. Career Paths in RA: How has your institution supported career path development? What are your ideas?


3. HOT TOPIC: Utilizing AI How has your institution implemented any AI tools.


4. Social Lobby: Holiday plans, what you love about RA, whatever you want to talk about! Get to know the people of your NCURA community!


The session is drop-in accessible and you can move between virtual Zoom rooms. This round we are doing a 30-minute rotation so people can feel more prepared to switch rooms. Just add the Zoom link to your calendar for Wednesday November 16th, no registration required. 

LeadMe Program Q&A
Online Presentation  and Discussion 11/8/2023 

Want to take your leadership skills to the next level?


Region VI and Region VII announce the LeadMe Program’s 15th year of preparing Research Administrators for leadership positions in NCURA and within their home institutions.


Come join us for an informational session on what the NCURA LeadMe Program can do for your professional and personnel goals. LeadMe Program Co-Chairs Matt Michener & Ashley Stahle will discuss the goals, objectives and application process related to the program as well as lead the discussion and answer/facilitate questions about next year’s program.


Alexus Robertson, 2023 LeadMe Graduate and Jason Park, Graduate and Mentor will also be available to answer questions and provide additional perspective.


Additional information about the program can be found at under “Resources and Forms''.


Applications will be available in November and will be due December 18, 2023.

Let's Get Physical - a Presenter Skills Workshop on Voice & Movement
Zoom Presentation 9/7/2023 

Led by: 

  • Kathryn O'Hayre, CRA; Training and Information Coordinator; Colorado State University


  • Lori Schuler; Manager Post-Award / ECC Administrator; University of Wyoming 


Join our mini-workshop to practice some Presenter Skill basics. This session is related to the physical delivery aspects of voice and movement and adapting to different situations such as large, in-person Regional Meeting sessions to team training webinars, and even the complexity of presenting in a hybrid training! Public speaking is a professional development role commonly needed by Research Administrators so we can all use a little practice. We think about involving movement in different situations and share the 5 Ps of voice such as pacing and pitch. Come to the session to learn the other 3!



  1. Implement the 5 Ps of Voice in public speaking

  2. Address how voice and movement skills apply to presentations in-person, online, and in hybrid situations

Roundup with Region VII
Zoom Discussions 7/19/2023

Purpose: Networking, social, and hot topic open forums to collaborate with your regional colleagues


Description: Join virtual rooms for networking, discussing RA hot topics, and socializing. Vote for which topics you want in July with this quick survey! The top picks will get emailed out the week before our July Roundup.

Led by:

Tracy Gatlin, Montana State University,


Co-Presenter: Eric Everett, University of Idaho,

Beginner Level


Description: We learned the hard way, you don’t have to! Join us to learn about actionable objectives for Early-Stage Research Administrators to gain knowledge, build relationships, and foster experiences that encourage successful growth for the individual.



  1. Identify 10 action items to foster Early-Stage RA development

  2. Discuss how to implement and grow within in a budding RA career

  3. Initiate networking opportunities between NCURA peers

10 Recommendations for Early-Stage Research Administrators
Zoom Presentation 5/24/2023

Roundup with Region VII
Zoom Discussions 4/11/2023

Purpose: Networking, social, and hot topic open forums to collaborate with your regional colleagues


Description: April Roundup in Region VII! We are hosting 4 rooms to move between in our Zoom Lounge.

1. Training and Onboarding DRAs: Share models, strategize, and resource share your department training methods.

2. Hot Topic: How are you implementing new requirements… Data Management, Safe and Inclusive Working Environment, SciENcv update, whatever you want to discuss!

3. NCURA New Members hosted by our Reg. VII Members-At-Large

4. Networking Social


The session is drop-in accessible and you can move between virtual Zoom rooms. Just add the Zoom link to your calendar for Tuesday April 11th, no registration required. Find previous session resources and submit questions on the Region VII Education website.

Recruit and Retain - Part 1 Recruitment Renovation
Zoom Discussions 9/29/2022

Led by:

Ashley Stahle, Colorado State University

Sylvia Bradshaw, Southern Utah University

Alexa Van Dalsem, University of Colorado Boulder

Sarah Martonick, University of Idaho


This panel discussion offers specific insights to recruitment in our region and resources available. We plan to address the difficulties and creative strategies related to finances, various institution sizes, and our large geographic footprint. 


1. Discuss opportunities for updating the recruitment process

2. Assess the current Regional job market

3. Build job posts to attract a diverse pool of candidates

Roundup with Region VII
Zoom Discussions 7/12/2022, 12:00 - 1:00 PM MT 

Purpose: Networking, social, and hot topic open forums to collaborate with your regional colleagues


Description: July Roundup in Region VII! We are hosting 4 rooms to move between.

  1. How do I…NCURA: learn how to develop posters, articles, sessions, a diversity statement, and become a presenter

  2. LeadMe and more Mentorship: Discuss the role of mentorship relationships and learn about the NCURA program LeadMe

  3. NCURA New Members hosted by our Reg. VII Members-At-Large

  4. Social: Color collab chat


The session is drop-in accessible and you can move between virtual Zoom rooms. Just add the Zoom link to your calendar for Tuesday July 12th, no registration required. Find previous session resources and submit questions on the Region VII Education website.

The Falcon and the Phoenix: Next Steps in Developing an Effective Presentation
Zoom Presentation 5-26-2022, 12:00 - 1:00 PM MT 

Led by:
Tricia Callahan, M.A., CRA, Colorado State University
Kyle Uhruh, MBA, University of Montana

You’ve spent time accessing learner needs and developing session objectives to meet those needs. Now it’s time to get creative. Continue to hone your presentation development skills as we explore the next steps in creating a presentation that is effective and engaging. This session is appropriate for those newer to presenting or those wishing to hone their presentation design skills.

The Falcon and the Phoenix: First Steps in Developing an Effective Presentation
Zoom Presentation 1-27-2022, 12:00 - 1:00 PM MT 

Led by:
Tricia Callahan, M.A., CRA, Colorado State University
Kyle Uhruh, MBA, University of Montana

Conference presenters spend countless hours preparing for an hour-long session, yet little time is spent crafting session titles, descriptions, and objectives that are not only fetching, but adequately convey the content to be covered. Hone your presentation development skills during this interactive webinar on first steps and considerations for developing a presentation that effectively delivers desired outcomes.

Identifying Microaggressions

Zoom Presentation 11-11-2021

Led by:

Dr. Cleveland Piggot

Assistant Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Family Medicine University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 


Bias and discrimination can sometimes be overt, while other times it is more subtle and even unintentional. To better support an inclusive environment, it's important to understand what are microaggressions, their impact, and how we can recognize and combat them. Session participants will be able to recognize examples of microaggressions in the workplace; articulate the impact microaggressions have on individuals and the workforce; and identify ways to combat microaggressions in the workplace.

CRA Exam PREP - Preparation, Resources, Expectations, and Panic-control -

Zoom Presentation 8-10-2021

Led by:

Tricia Callahan, M.A., CRA, Colorado State University
Special Guest:

Jeffrey (Jeff) Ritchie

RACC BOD Emeritus

Director of Sponsored Programs, Hamilton College


This session will offer an overview of best practices for preparing to take the CRA examination and will include study resources, exam preparation tools and techniques, what to expect, and tips for reducing test anxiety. Join members of the RACC and recent CRA’s for tips on the types of questions to expect, exam format, and how to best prepare.

Ergonomic Principles, Practice, and the Office / Home Environment -

Zoom Presentation 4-8-2021
Led by:

Dr. David Gilkey, Associate Professor, Science & Engineering

Montana Technological University

Click the below button to access the recorded Zoom Discussion and Presentation.

Interested in the handouts from the presentation? Email Trisha Southergill, 


This session will offer an overview of office and home ergonomics. Participants will be provided information to better understand the importance of ergonomics related to workstations, chairs, and field of vision. Participants will also be instructed on how to evaluate home and/or office workstations.  

An Introduction on How to Use the SciENcv Profile System -

Zoom  Discussion 7-22-2020
Led by:

Stephanie Tofighi, University of New Mexico

Click on the links below to access resources and the recorded Zoom Discussion from 7/22/2020 on SciENcv.


Onboarding New Hires during COVID-19 - Not as Mythical as a Jackalope! 

Zoom Panel Discussion 4-29-2020
Led by:

Discussion Leader:

Tolise Dailey, Johns Hopkins University


Chris Saxton, University of Northern Colorado

Niki Spaeth, University of Colorado Boulder

Paul Sandoval, University of Arizona

Click on the links below to access resources and the recorded Zoom Discussion from 4/29/2020 on Remote Onboarding.

Guided discussion on Teleworking:

Policies, Operational Needs & Best Practice

Zoom Discussion 3-26-2020
Led by:

Ashley Stahle, Colorado State University

Alexa Van Dalsem, University of Colorado Boulder

Click on the links below to access resources and the recorded Zoom Discussion from 3/26/2020 on Teleworking.


Implementation of ORCiD:

Why, How, and Potential Pitfalls

Zoom Discussion 3-24-2020

Led by:

Liz Grinstead, Colorado State University

Beth Kingsley, Denver Health


Click on the links below to access resources and the recorded Zoom Discussion from 3/24/2020 on ORCiD.


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