There will normally be an annual Regional Meeting, within or near the Region’s geographic boundaries, held as not to interfere with attendance at the National Council's Annual Meeting. The meeting is generally held jointly with Region VI and coordination between the Regional Officers and Committee is required.
The Regional Meeting Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating the regional meeting, including site selection, program, volunteer opportunities, and hospitality. Subcommittees will be established for each Regional Meeting to manage each of these functions. The chairs of these subcommittees shall be members of the Regional Meeting Committee.
The Regional Meeting Committee shall consist of the Committee Chair appointed by the Chair of Region VII, the subcommittee chairs, and one member appointed by the Committee Chair in consultation with the Regional Executive Committee. The Regional Chair may serve as the Committee Chair. All collaborating NCURA Regions appoint their own committee members independently but at least one member from each region should be identified. The specific responsibilities of the Regional Meeting Committee are to prepare and manage the budget, recruit sponsors and vendors, coordinate registration, coordinate volunteers, and liaise with the NCURA National Office professional meeting staff (timeline based on an October meeting and as approximate):
Approach/recruit sponsors and vendors about sponsorship and exhibition opportunities (e.g. October through August).
Develop a budget for each of the subcommittees (detailed below); monitor and approve expenditures (e.g. November through October).
Develop a website with preliminary information about the Regional Meeting (e.g.May).
Provide a meeting update and solicit input the Region VII membership at the business meeting scheduled for the NCURA Annual Meeting (e.g.August).
Draft a registration form, including registration fees, and forward to the Director of Operations at the NCURA National Office for approval and posting to the National Organization’s calendar and registration platform. Note: The registration set up can take up to 2 weeks to complete.
Confirm “Early‐Bird” and regular registration dates; confirm cut‐off dates with the host hotel (e.g. August).
Monitor registrations (e.g. August through September)
Assemble attendee roster (e.g.October).
Schedule a debriefing luncheon to coincide with end of the Regional Meeting.
Standard Practices for the Region Fall Meeting
Hotel‐Provided Complimentary Accommodations are at the discretion of the Regional Meeting Committee and may be offered to Region members involved in local arrangements (limited to two rooms), and, in unusual circumstances, other Region members at the discretion of the Region Meeting Chairs.
Hotel‐Provided Upgraded Accommodations are at the discretion of the Regional Meeting Committee and may be offered to members who have contributed substantively to the execution of the spring meeting, or the national NCURA President or other VIP’s. (Note: the NCURA President’s registration and accommodations are paid by the national NCURA office.)
Complimentary registration is normally extended to presenters not participating in meal or social functions, presenters from federal agencies, and other special guests, at the discretion of the Regional Meeting Committee Chair, with the concurrence of Region VI.
Site Selection Subcommittee
The Site Selection Subcommittee is charged with soliciting input from the membership, then identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing potential sites, recommending a minimum of two possible sites to the Region VII Executive Committee for their approval, presenting the options to the Region VII membership for a vote, negotiating a contract with the host hotel with guidance from professional meeting staff at the NCURA National Office, and ensuring that the host hotel fulfills its contractual obligations.
The Site Selection Subcommittee Chair is appointed by the Regional Meeting Committee Chair and confirmed by the Region VII Executive Committee;
Two members‐at‐large are appointed by the Site Selection Subcommittee Chair and confirmed by the Regional Meeting Committee Chair;
The Region VII Treasurer serves on the Site Selection Subcommittee ex‐officio.
General Considerations for Site Selection
Accessibility of the host city and hotel
Quality and convenience of the facility
Hotel costs (accommodations and conference)
Availability of alternate hotels within walking distance of the host hotel
Travel costs (air and ground transportation)
Effect of the site on registration costs
Local amenities, ambiance
Procedures and Timeline (24 months) for Site Selection
Future sites for the next Region VII hosted conference are suggested and discussed at the Region VII Business Meeting (e.g. October).
The strengths and weaknesses of the site at the just concluded regional meeting are discussed at the post‐meeting debriefing session (e.g. October).
Within two months following the Regional Meeting, a Site Selection Subcommittee is appointed (e.g. December).
The Site Selection Subcommittee works collegially and in concert to gain consensus with the Region VII then identifies, evaluates, and prioritizes potential sites, recommending a minimum of two possible sites to the Region VII Executive Committee (e.g. January– June).
The Region VII Executive Committee reviews and approves the proposed sites (July).
The potential sites are presented to the Region VII Fall Meeting Program Committee (e.g. July).
The potential sites are presented to the Region VII membership at the NCURA Annual Meeting for discussion and a “straw vote” (e.g. August).
Within one month following the NCURA Annual Meeting, a request is submitted to the Senior Manager, Regional and Membership Services as the NCURA National Office to send out an announcement presenting the candidate sites to the Region VII membership for a vote (e.g. September).
The Site Selection Subcommittee initiates negotiations with the host hotel (e.g. October).
The status of the negotiation is reported to the members at the Region Fall Meeting (e.g. October).
The Site Selection Subcommittee concludes negotiations with the host hotel ‐‐ and any alternate hotels in the vicinity of the host hotel (e.g. February).
The selected site is announced to the members by the Region VII Executive Committee early in the year of the scheduled Regional Meeting (or as soon as possible following the conclusion of negotiations with the host hotel) (e.g. April).
The site hosts the Region Fall Meeting (e.g. October).
NOTE: Contracts must be reviewed by the Region VII Chair and a meetings professional from the NCURA National Office or a Third Party Contractor before being signed. The Region VII Chair signs all contracts.
Prospective Host Hotel Site Visit and Negotiation
One or more representative(s) of the Site Selection Subcommittee should visit the prospective host hotels prior to making a final recommendation to the Executive Committee and the membership. The following points should be considered when reviewing the proposed contract and negotiating with the hotel sales staff.
Size and number of meeting rooms
Availability of government room rates
Default clause on room block
A/V, Internet access package for meeting rooms
Availability of hotel's business center
‐off date for holding room block
Number of room upgrades
Number of complimentary rooms
Availability of non‐smoking rooms
Catering service and costs (menu prices)
Hospitality suite arrangements
Registration area
Parking availability and
ADA clause and accommodations
Guaranteed rates before and after conference
State sales tax and exemption status
Force Majeure clause and penalties
5. Travel and Arrangement Expenses
A reasonable amount of funding is generally available for airfare or mileage expenses to reimburse committee members' travel to potential sites. The Site Selection Subcommittee Chair should work in conjunction with the Region VII Chair and Treasurer to create a budget that is adequate for this work. The Treasurer, upon approval of the Region VII Chair, may also approve arrangement expenses of local NCURA members assisting Site Selection Subcommittee members with potential meeting sites.
6. Commitment of Time
It is anticipated that participation on the Site Selection Subcommittee will take 35–50 hours of preparation and negotiation with an additional one or two site visits that are each two days in duration.
Program Subcommittee
The Program Subcommittee will plan and organize the professional development agenda for the Region Fall Meeting and appoint Track Leaders to identify session topics and recruit presenters. The Program Committee will review and approve the final program of workshops, concurrent sessions, and other education and training activities.
The Program Subcommittee Chair is appointed by the Regional Meeting Committee Chair and confirmed by the Region VII Executive Committee;
Two members‐at‐large are appointed by the Program Subcommittee Chair and confirmed by the Regional Meeting Committee Chair;
Track chairs, as needed, are appointed by the Program Subcommittee Chair in consultation with the subcommittee members‐at‐large.
Program Activities
Full and half‐day workshops concentrate on research policy and management topics in some depth, e.g., compliance issues, contract negotiations, basics of research administration for the newcomer.
Concurrent Sessions.
Concurrent Sessions address topics in research administration in (usually) a lecture or panel format with Q&A from the audience. Sessions can also be interactive structured discussions.
Discussion Sessions.
Discussion Sessions are intended to be small group discussions focused on unique issues and topics. These sessions are facilitated by someone with a special interest or particular experience/insight into the subject matter. Typically, slides and extensive handouts are not distributed. (Sometimes, these discussions are scheduled to complement a Concurrent Session.)
Roundtable Discussions.
Typically roundtables are very small, interactive discussion groups that center on an everyday issue in research administration. Often, these sessions are scheduled at breakfast or between Concurrent or Discussion sessions.
Historically, most presenters have been members of Region VI or VII, however, Region affiliation is not a requirement of presenting.
Suggested Procedures and Timeline (12 months)
The strengths and weaknesses of the just concluded program are discussed at the post‐ meeting debriefing session (e.g. October).
Following the Regional Meeting, the Program Subcommittee timeline and activities include:
December: A Site Selection Subcommittee is appointed.
January: A request for Program Subcommittee Track Leaders is distributed the Region VII membership
February: An email is sent to all the Track Leaders introducing the partners from other NCURA Regions. A conference call is scheduled to discuss/finalize the professional development “theme” for the meeting, the number and title of the tracks, and key sessions for each track.
March: The program website is up and running and an invitation propose sessions has been sent participating Region members.
June: A preliminary program is distributed to the members and Track Leaders focus on filling gaps in the program. The Program Subcommittee has selected and confirmed a Keynote Speaker.
July: Requests for speaker funds are made by the Treasurer the NCURA National Office. A request is sent to all presenters requesting their audio/visual requirements and special needs. Representatives of the Program Subcommittee and the Site Selection Subcommittee meet with the host hotel staff to ensure that there are sufficient and appropriate rooms and A‐V for the workshops and sessions.
August: A Program Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for the NCURA Annual Meeting to finalize the program, confirm presenters, fill missing session slots, and discuss any emerging problems. The Program Subcommittee provides an update on the program at the Regional Business Meeting at the NCURA Annual Meeting.
September: The program layout and cover are finalized and sent to the printer. Workshop materials are finalized and assembled. Workshop and session evaluators are confirmed.
October: Workshop and sessions are offered at the Region Fall Meeting.
4. Program Expenses
Any expenses required to support the program must be reviewed and approved by the Subcommittee Chair, in consultation with the Region VII Treasurer, to ensure that adequate funds are available.
NCURA provides each region up to $500 for assistance obtaining speakers for the Fall Meeting. If the Region wishes to request speaker funds, the Regional Chair(s) should formally notify the NCURA Treasurer as soon as that person has been identified (but no later than 30 days in advance of the meeting).
At the conclusion of the Meeting, the National Organization will reimburse the Region for funds actually spent. Supporting documentation for the funds expended should be sent to the NCURA Director of Finance. (These speaker fees can be used for a NCURA member from outside of the Region or for a non‐member from any area.)
Commitment of Time To be discussed and determined.
Volunteer Subcommittee
The Volunteer Subcommittee will plan and coordinate logistics and social events for the Region Fall Meeting, including special events, the hospitality suite, and staffing the welcome and registration table.
The Volunteer Subcommittee Chair is the Region Volunteer Coordinator.
Two members‐at‐large are appointed by the Volunteer Subcommittee Chair and confirmed by the Regional Meeting Committee Chair.
Procedures and Timeline (Twelve Months)
Following the Regional Meeting, the Volunteer Subcommittee timeline and activities include, but are not limited to:
April: Working with the Site Selection Subcommittee, organize hotel "housekeeping" and logistical details, and gather and provide information about the site and special logistics such as airport transportation, sightseeing, restaurants and entertainment.
July: Organize and plan special events, such as opening receptions, new member orientation programs, and entertainment events, e.g. Sunday banquet or Tuesday dinner.
September: Organize volunteers for hosting the hospitality suite and securing refreshments.
October: Organize and staff the on‐site registration and welcome table; prepare the meeting packets, including the meal tickets and badge ribbons.
3. Program Expenses
Any expenses required to support the program must be reviewed and approved by the Subcommittee Chair, in consultation with the Treasurer, to insure that adequate funds are available.
4. Commitment of Time: To be discussed and determined
Standing Committees
Regional Executive Committee
Region VII shall have a standing Regional Executive Committee composed of the Regional Chair (who shall also serve as Committee Chair), Chair-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition to these officers, the Immediate Past Chair and two other regional members elected from the membership-at-large shall serve as members of the Regional Executive Committee. The Regionally Elected Member of the National Board of Directors will be invited to serve as an ex officio member of the Region VII Regional Executive Committee. The term of office for the Regional Executive Committee shall run concurrently with their other office terms. The Regional Executive Committee shall serve as an advisory board for the Regional Chair in guiding the affairs of the region and shall have responsibilities and powers conferred in these bylaws. The Committee shall develop activities and programs for Region VII which are consistent with the goals and objectives of the National Council and the wishes of the regional membership.
Responsibilities of Additional Members of the Regional Executive Committee
Immediate Past Chair
The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Regional Executive Committee to advise and counsel the Chair and other members of the Committee. The term of office shall coincide with that of the current Chair.
Two members shall be elected from the membership at-large and each shall serve for a term of two years with the term of office staggered so that one new member shall be elected at each election. Members are eligible for re- nomination and election to successive terms without restriction. If an elected member-at-large is unable to complete the full term of office, the Chair shall appoint a replacement for the remainder of the original term of office. The senior Member at Large will be responsible for the Regional Awards and will train the junior member to be the primary responsible officer for the next year. The junior Member at Large will serve as ex officio for the Volunteer Activities Committee.
Program Committee
The Program Committee shall consist of the Committee Chair appointed by the Chair of Region VII and two or more members appointed by the Committee Chair in consultation with the Regional Executive Committee. The Regional Chair may serve as the Program Committee Chair. The Committee shall plan and present the program for the regional annual meeting taking into consideration suggestions of the general membership of Region VII. The Committee shall solicit invitations to host the next regional annual meeting and present results of solicitation at the regional annual meeting.
Nomination and Election Committee
The Nomination and Election Committee shall consist of a Committee Chair appointed by the Region VII Chair and two members appointed by the Committee Chair. The responsibilities of the Committee are to establish the nominations and elections procedures for the offices of Chair-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer-elect, Members-At-Large, and Regional Representative to the National Board of Directors.
The Committee shall solicit nominations from the membership and present to the membership a slate of one or more candidates for each office, in writing and with pertinent biographical information prior to the national annual meeting. Candidates must be regional members appearing on the official membership roster and be willing to serve if elected.
The Committee will conduct an electronic election, providing space for “write-ins,” with directions to return the ballot no later than 30 calendar days following the last date on which any ballot was sent. The ballots shall be immediately validated and counted by a member of the Committee and two non-committee members of the region. They may be assisted by other Committee members. The tally shall be certified to the Chair in time for the results to be announced to the members by October 1 of each calendar year. The nominee for each office receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected.
Professional Education and Development Committee
The Professional Education & Development Committee (PEDC) shall consist of up to eleven members, including the Committee Chair appointed by the Chair of Region VII, the Region VII Chair, the Region VII Chair-Elect, Region VII Past Chair, the Region VII Treasurer and additional members appointed by the PEDC Chair and approved by the Regional Executive Committee. A good-faith effort shall be made to include representation from each state in Region VII. Membership terms for additional members shall not expire. The PEDC shall identify the educational and professional needs of the Region VII membership and assist in providing programming to meet those needs.
Ratified: 9/2021